I obtained my degrees from Harvard University (B.A., Anthropology, 1963; Ph. D., Biological Anthropology, 1973). I was hired at UC Davis in 1972 and have no idea when this will end.
Research Interests
Approximately 31⁄2 years in eastern Borneo from 1969 through 1983, brief field trips to North Sumatra in 1986 and 1988, and a series of explorations and expeditions in Amazonian Ecuador from 1989 through 1996, with a final trip there in 2001. Field research on behavioral ecology of orangutans, gibbons, long tailed and pig-tailed macaques, woolly monkeys and spider monkeys. Some captive studies of bonnet macaques and rhesus macaques at the California Regional Primate Research Center from 1974 to 1988. Interests also include modeling of aspects of behavioral ecology and population biology. Currently modeling evolution and maintenance of sex biased dispersal and analyzing data on behavioral ecology of Callicebus moloch gathered during dissertation work by Francis Bossuyt, who disappeared in Peru in April, 2000.
Students have carried out field studies in Borneo, Sumatra, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Ecuador, Brazil, Kenya and Uganda on hominoids, cercopithecoids, atelines, and callitrichines. Other students have examined detailed aspects of social interactions in captive bonnet and rhesus macaques and aspects of vocal communication in free ranging rhesus macaques.
Recent Publications
1996 - Rendall, C. R., Rodman, P. S., Emond, R.E. Vocal recognition of individuals and kin in free ranging rhesus monkeys. Animal Behaviour 51: 1007-115.
1998 - Rendall, C. R., Owren, M. J., Rodman, P. S. The role of vocal tract filtering in identity cueing in rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) vocalizations. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 103:602-614.
1999 - Rodman, P. S. Whither primatology? The role of primatology in anthropology today. Annual Review of Anthropology 28:311-93.
2001 - Di Fiore, A. F., Rodman, P. S. Time allocation patterns of lowland woolly monkeys (Lagothrix lagotricha poeppigii) in a neotropical terra firma forest. International J. of Primatology 22:449-80.
2002 - Rodman, P. S. Plants of the apes: Is there a hominoid model for the origin of the human diet? Pp. 77-109 in P. S. Ungar & M. F. Teaford (eds.) Human Diet: Its Origin and Evolution. Bergin & Garvey, Westport, CT.