Who were Neandertals? When and where did they live? What were their lives like? Did they exchange genes and culture with the ancestors of present-day humans? This course deals with the most up to date answers to these and related questions, as well as how scientists go about trying to answer them.

Course Description: Ever since the discovery of Neandertal fossils in 1856 at the Kleine Feldhofer Grotte near Düsseldorf, Germany, scientists and the general public alike have been fascinated with Neandertals. They have asked questions such as: were these fossil humans ancestral to later peoples? And how similar was their anatomy and behavior to ours? This course deals with the most up to date answers to these and related questions, as well as how scientists go about trying to answer them. More specifically, we will discuss the appearance, evolution, and disappearance of Neandertals; emergence of humans like us in both anatomy and behavior; fossil and archaeological records of Europe, western Asia, and Africa; and genetics of present-day and ancient humans.
Units: 4
Prerequisite(s): ANT 1 or ANT 1Y recommended but not required—all are welcome!
Quarter(s): Winter 2023
Instructor(s): Tim Weaver