Graduate Student Association

The Anthropology Graduate Student Association (AGSA) is an organization of Anthropology graduate students that represents their interests and provides an additional on-campus resource for graduate students.

About AGSA

All graduate students in the Department of Anthropology are automatically considered part of AGSA, and are invited to participate in AGSA business, leadership, and events. Graduate students in other departments or graduate groups who have advisors or offices in the Department of Anthropology, or who hold TA or instructor positions in anthropology classes are also welcome as part of the group.

AGSA serves four main purposes: 

  • It functions a forum for graduate students to discuss current news and events pertaining to the University of California and the UC Davis Department of Anthropology, as well as for discussing issues pertaining to graduate studies, employment, teaching, research and fieldwork. 
  • AGSA provides a platform from which both individual students, or the graduate student body as a whole, can address each other, or other arms of the university, such as the faculty, staff, and administration, when necessary. 
  • It gives anthropology graduate students access to fellow graduate students in other departments via the university-wide Graduate Student Association (GSA) Assembly. 
  • AGSA affords anthropology graduate students a source of additional funding for group events, both academic and social.


Officers typically include two co-presidents (one from each wing) and two GSA representatives (one from each wing).Co-presidents deal with day-to-day and administrative business and organization, and a variety of other matters. GSA representatives attend monthly meetings of the GSA Assembly and keep the group informed about a variety of issues that pertain to graduate students across the university. Faculty meeting representatives attend bi-weekly faculty meetings in order to communicate graduate student concerns and interests to the faculty, and to bring faculty concerns and interests to the graduate students, as well as to keep graduate students informed about department business that pertains to them. 

A treasurer handles the AGSA budget and bank account, and a secretary maintains the association's web page and email lists. One of the co-presidents may fulfill that role. Expenses and reimbursements should be cleared beforehand with the treasurer, and though these matters are handled informally, records are maintained. Election of officers is an informal process; anyone interested in serving is generally able to assume whatever position they find of interest. 


AGSA Values

AGSA values initiative over formality, and those who wish to serve are welcome to do so at any time. Email access is open to all members, and all members are welcome to use the AGSA platform to address others. Meetings are held roughly on a quarterly basis, though they may be called, by any member, at any time, if required. In addition, at the beginning of each fall quarter, AGSA sponsors a “Welcome (Back)” event for the anthropology graduate students.