Position Title
Teaching Assistant
Position Title
Teaching Assistant
Cubicle #7
1050 Blue Ridge Rd, Davis CA 95616
1050 Blue Ridge Rd, Davis CA 95616
Office Hours
Winter 2025: Wednesday 5 pm
Animal Communication, Sentience, Animal Rights
My research area explores the intersection of anthropology, human-animal communication, and media analysis. I investigate how images and videos shape perceptions and interactions between humans and animals, with a particular interest in visual narratives and aesthetics that influence audiences. Additionally, I study the role of media figures, such as Cesar Millan, in constructing interspecies relationships and disseminating techniques and concepts related to coexistence and care.
Education and Degree(s)
- B.S. in Law at Gama Filho University - Brazil, RJ
- Specialized in Public Law: Constitutional, Administrative and Tax at Estácio de Sá University - Brazil, RJ.
- M.S. in Legal and Political Science at Portucalense Infante D. Henrique University, Portugal.
- Ph.D. Student in Anthropology (in progress/third year) University of California, Davis
Honors and Awards
- Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award 2023-2024
- Moraes, M. (2024). Travelling together: Exploring the impact of support and service animals on travel experiences. Research in Hospitality Management, 14(1), 12-25. https://doi.org/10.1080/22243534.2024.2395709
- Moraes, M.M. “The Sentience and Animal Law” (In Portuguese) Revista Científica FESA Tendências Multidisciplinares: Investigação, Método e Ciência, ISSN: 2676-0428, v.1, n.4 – 2021, pp. 03-19.
- Moraes, M.M. “A Victory in The Animal Cause: Law number 1.095/2019” (In Portuguese) Revista Científica Multifaces do Conhecimento Científico: Teoria e Prática, ISSN: 2676-0428, 2021, v.1, n.6 – 2021, pp. 03-13.
- Moraes, M.M. “Vaquejada (bullfighting), Animal Protection and Rural Profit” (In Portuguese) Revista Científica Multifaces do Conhecimento Científico: Teoria e Prática, ISSN: 2676-0428, V.1, n.8 – 2021, pp. 03-16.
- Moraes, M.M. “Animal Rights and Legal Status” Revista Multidiciplinar Núcleo do Conhecimento, ISSN. 2448- 0959, Ano 06, Ed.10, Vol. 07, pp. 100-125.