Luis Flores-Blanco

Luis Flores-Blanco Portrait

Position Title
Ph.D. Candidate

310 Young Hall


  • 2021-M.A. Anthropology, University of California, Davis, USA
  • 2013-M.A. Prehistoric Archeology, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
  • 2006-B.S. Social Sciences, The National University of San Marcos, Lima, Peru


Luis Flores-Blanco is a Ph.D. candidate of the Department of Anthropology at the University of California, Davis, working with Professor Randy Haas.

Research Focus

Luis is interested in researching the evolution of the social behavior of the last hunter-gatherers and their process of change towards a complex lifestyle in the highlands of the Lake Titicaca Basin, Peru some 4,000 thousand years ago. On this, he is particularly interested in investigating two topics: the emergence of leadership and the residential pattern using multiple lines of evidence from archaeology and archaeometry.


- Flores-Blanco, Luis, ... & Alarcón, C. (2022). Reconstructing the sequence of an Inca Period (1470-1532 CE) camelid sacrifice at El Pacífico, Peru. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 41, 103247.
- Chen, C. K., Flores-Blanco, Luis, & Haas, R. (2021). Why Did Projectile-Point Size Increase in the Andean Altiplano Archaic? An Experimental Atlatl Analysis. Latin American Antiquity, 1-16.

- Flores Blanco, Luis (ed.). (2018). Monumentos, Lugares, Ancestros. Paisajes Andinos y Lejanos (Monuments, Places, Ancestors. Andean and distant landscapes). Ed. Avqui, Lima.

- Flores, Luis. (2017). El Pacifico: early architecture and landscape during the Formative period of the Central Andes. Antiquity 91 (357): 1-6.


2021 - Lewis and Clark Fund for Exploration and Field Research Grant. APS.

2021 - Rust Family Foundation. Archaeology Grants Program.

2020 - Carlos Brignardello Grant in Archaeology. Institut Français d'études Andines - IFEA.

2020 & 2019 - Evolutionary Anthropology Summer 2020 Fellowship, UC, Davis.

2020 - Student Scholarship from Sacramento Archaeological Society.

2019 - Hemispheric Institute on the Americas, UC Davis.

2018-19 - UC Davis Provost's Fellowships in the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences for the first year of study.

