New Freshmen in Anthropology

INCOMING FRESHMEN: Congratulations and welcome!
Please complete the required Aggie 101 and Aggie Advising Canvas Program to help you prepare for your Fall course registration. If you have specific questions about General Education requirements, refer to Letters & Science Advising for further information. If you have questions about major requirements, read below!

Incoming Freshman should plan to take some lower division courses (001–099) required for their major in their their first year. Click on your degree type within the major (B.A. or B.S.) to see requirements and a sample schedule. 

Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology (Evolutionary, Sociocultural, or General emphasis)

Sample 1st Quarter (12 to 13 units) - 

ANT 1*, 2*, 3, 15*, or 324-5*Course has writing experience (WE)--should not be attempted if ELWR not satisfied. 
GE Arts and Humanities (AH) or Science and Engineering (SE) 3-5 unitsConsult Aggie Advising module "Building a Schedule" for GE options
GE course or First Year Seminar 1-4 unitsFirst Year Seminar list 

Bachelor of Science in Anthropology


Sample 1st Quarter (12 to 13 units) - 



ANT 1*, 2*, 3, 4-5*Course has writing experience (WE)--should not be attempted if ELWR not satisfied. 
MAT** 17A, 19A, or 21A; or STA 134***MAT 17A or 19A strongly recommended unless MAT 21A is needed for a double major or minor you are interested in.
General Education (Arts and Humanities or Social Science) course4